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Here’s How You Could Earn $50 After Getting an Online Golf Lesson

Posted byBy Skillest Staff

There’s nothing better than seeing golfers share their satisfaction with their gains after using Skillest. Our mission has been and always will be to provide golfers access to the best coaches from around the world to bring their game to the next level. If you’re part of the thousands of satisfied golfers, then you might be able to earn yourself a $50 gift certificate for Skillest or Amazon. Here’s how…

We at Skillest are looking for users to share their feedback using the platform. Some things we’re looking to know are what have you used in the past to improve at golf, why did you try Skillest, and how Skillest has helped your game. If we use your feedback as a testimonial in our marketing, we will give you a $50 gift certificate for Skillest or Amazon. There’s three ways you can share your feedback:


If you’re a user of the social media platform, go ahead and tag us @skillestapp and use #skillest to share your experience on the platform. And if your coach is on Twitter too, go ahead and tag them!

Record a Short Video

We’d love to see and hear from you! Use this link to record a short video giving your feedback.

Write a Short Text Testimonial

Even after recording your swing and maybe having a Zoom call with your coach, perhaps you’re a little camera shy. That’s fine. Just use this link to submit your written testimonial.

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