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Student in Iceland makes incredible swing change!

Posted byBy Baden Schaff

When we started Skillest we wanted to connect students of the world with the best coaches. We have been obsessed with breaking down all geographic barriers as we expanded our coaching marketplace out. There is no better example of this vision being realised than a student in Iceland learning from an elite coach in Vancouver. Nathan Leonhardt has become one of the most popular golf coaches on Skillest and in this video we can see why.

No doubt there is not a lot of elite golf coaching in Iceland. The season is short and golfers are forced indoors for much of the year but that was not going to stop this student from finding one of the world’s best coaches on Skillest. Together both he and Nathan have done incredible things in a very short time. What this proves is that game improvement has everything to to with elite information, great communication and constant access. Geography is irrelevant with Skillest!

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