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Skillest in the “New York Times”

Posted byBy Baden Schaff

It’s official. Skillest has hit the big time! We were incredibly excited to be featured in The New York Times on Wednesday 7/7/21. Paul Sullivan wrote a wonderful piece on the growth of the platform, how COVID has accelerated golfers willingness to learn golf online and just how powerful it is as a learning model. But he focused on something we don’t often talk about at Skillest.

As you probably know we are obsessed with passionate golfers who want to take their handicap from 18 to 10 or 7 to 4, but did you know that Tour players are using Skillest to find coaches and then interact with them while on tour?

Over the weekend Lucas Herbert won the Irish Open for his second win on the European Tour and he attributes his success to the ability to use Skillest to interact with his coach, Dom Azzopardi over the past year. “It’s 10:30 p.m. in the evening here, and Lucas is about to go and practice at 8:30 a.m., so the time zones make it so different,” Azzopardi said. “Instead, I wake up and see his swings, view them, draw lines on them and do a voice-over. It’s just been a really easy way to communicate.”

Herbert went on to say..

Not having his coach on the range or caddying for him was different at first. But the connection through the app has worked well.

“I’m quite visual,” Herbert said. “I like to see what I want to change, what’s going well, in front of me. The app is good for that. I can put a picture to my mind to see and a voice to guide me.”

Skillest Co-Founder Baden Schaff was also quoted… “We’ve tripled in size in the past 12 months,” said Baden. “I’ve always known that it was right for the elite players in the game. They’ve always interacted to a degree like this with their coaches. What’s more exciting is the average person has more interaction with their coach and is getting what elite players have always had. The elite players get better because they have constant feedback from the best coaches in the world,” he said. “When an average player comes back every three or four weeks, you don’t progress because you don’t hold on to what you’re working on. The elite players have the ability to come back the next day and the day after that. That’s why they get better.”

You can read the rest of this great article here and be sure to head to Skillest to get your Tour experience.

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