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Steve Drops Handicap By 7 Strokes In 3 Months With Coach Dominic Azzopardi!

Posted byBy Brian Park

Steve B, a Skillest Student, told me that his handicap dropped from 15 to 8 in less than 3 months! I’ve never heard of that kind of progress so I wanted to learn what he was doing to improve so quickly.

Steve said he previously took in-person golf lessons from a coach who played on tour. He paid for one-hour lessons and he felt like they were a waste of time. The problem was that only about 15 minutes of the lesson included meaningful instruction and the rest of the time was spent with small talk or just the coach watching Steve hit balls.

When Steve heard about Skillest, he was excited to give it a try. After researching coaches, he decided to go with Dominic Azzopardi. Steve knew he could make time to practice so he signed up for a monthly subscription. His monthy subscription gave him 24/7 swing support. That means he could take as many lessons with Dom as he wanted, ask questions anytime, and even book real-time Zoom sessions as needed.

"The unlimited sessions from Dom have been awesome.  Being able to ask for feedback whenever I have a question or want to see if I'm doing a move correctly is something I've never had with in person lessons. On our monthly Zoom calls, Dom takes the time to understand my game and how I'm progressing.  We also outline a plan for the coming month and what the main areas of focus will be."

Steve has become one of Skillest’s most prolific students. In fact, he has taken 36 golf lessons with Dom in the past 3 months! The monthly subscription gave Steve the ability to take a lot of bite-sized lessons. Steve says that nothing else he’s ever tried helped improve his game and the best way to get better is frequent access to a great coach. Skillest is an incredible value and Steve says he would pay double for the amount of access he gets.

Here is Steve’s swing around the time he started taking lessons on Skillest:

And here is what his swing looks like in the most recent lesson he sent to his coach Dominic Azzopardi:

One thing that I found most interesting about Steve’s lessons is they did all of their lessons entirely through video. With every lesson, Steve recorded his swing and sent it to his coach. But he also recorded himself talking and sent his thoughts and feels as well. Here’s an example from one of his first lessons:

And here is the response that his coach Dominic sent back to Steve in their lesson.

Over the past 3 months, most of Steve’s golf lessons with Dom were pretty similar to what you see above.

If you’ve wondered whether Skillest and online golf lessons are right for you, just give it a try. We have world-class coaches, affordable subscription plans at every price range, and a money-back guarantee.

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