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Category Archives: Tips

How to Improve Your Golf Swing

Michael Murphy is the co-founder of Esalen Institute, a destination in Big Sur, California, where hippies soak in cliffside hot springs and deep thinkers attend conferences on human potential, yoga innovations and nuclear disarmament.  That may seem to have little to do with golf.  But Murphy is also the author of a book called Golf…

Posted byBy Mark Anderson

5 Tips For A Perfect Takeaway In Your Golf Swing

A proper takeaway sets up your entire golf swing. By fixing the most common takeaway mistakes, you can take your game to the next level! We’ve gathered tips from 5 different Skillest coaches to help you learn: • How to control your clubface and keep it square• How to avoid taking the club inside too…

Posted byBy Brian Park

10 Practical and Timeless Golf Tips for Beginners

You have probably heard your fair share of golf tips as a golfer. Some contain golf wisdom that improves your game. At the same time, too many bad tips will confuse you, especially when new to the game. These golfing tips are practical and timeless. They will help you improve and help you break your…

Posted byBy John Barton

How Many Golf Lessons Should I Take?

So you’re ready to improve your golf game with lessons, but you’re unsure how to go about the whole process. How many golf lessons should you take for how long, and what can you expect from them? Well, the answer is twofold. Below we’ve outlined the traditional approach to golf lessons along with a revolutionary…

Posted byBy Brian Park

Online Golf Lessons: Everything To Know 

We all struggle with finding enough time in our day to play and practice golf. Sometimes taking an extra trip out to the golf club at a time that works for your local golf professional is just not convenient. With the modern technology that golfers have access to, online golf lessons are a perfect replacement…

Posted byBy Brian Park

5 Tips to Sync Your Upper Body in the Golf Downswing

Many golfers struggle with the following problems: Early extension Hanging back in the downswing Coming over the top One of the keys to a great golf swing is understanding how to sync up your arms and upper body on the downswing.  We’ve combined tips and drills from 5 different Skillest coaches to help you improve…

Posted byBy Brian Park

Terms to know before taking a golf lesson

Taking a golf lesson has never been easier thanks to Skillest. The ability to communicate with the best coaches from around the world entirely remotely makes improving your game a reality. Although our coaches break down lessons in easy-to-understand ways, it’s always good to know some terminology heading into a lesson. A Alignment Stick: Simple…

Posted byBy Skillest Staff

5 Tips to Become a Great Bunker Player

It can be the biggest pain when playing any course. Just word alone sounds ugly: bunker. But sand traps don’t need to be something you fear. For some players, bunker play can be something of a strong suit. Nathan Leonhardt breaks down five tips to become a great bunker player. And if you like this…

Posted byBy Brian Park

What is Stack & Tilt?

Three of the most polarizing words in the world of golf coaching and golf lessons are ‘Stack & Tilt’. Introduced in the June 2007 issue of Golf Digest, it instigated mixed responses from the golfing community. Advocates call it a game-changing approach to golf, while skeptics fear its potential impact on the artistic elements of…

Posted byBy Nick Adcock

Learn how to hit the spectacular stinger!

Zac Radford has become synonymous with hitting perhaps the most captivating shots in golf. He has amassed hundreds of thousands of followers on social media hitting stingers in visually spectacular locations. Tiger Woods made the shot famous earlier in his career when he began hitting these incredibly low piercing shots when he wanted both accuracy and distance….

Posted byBy Baden Schaff