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Category Archives: Tips

The way you practice has changed forever!

This is not just another post on a swing tip that is going to improve your golf swing. But more to offer insight into how changing the way you learn can trigger some improvement.  So first hear me out, I most likely know your situation, you play golf on a Saturday pick up your score…

Posted byBy Toby McGeachie

The ultimate Brooks Koepka bunker analysis

We are incredibly excited to have the coach of Brooks Koepka, Jeff Pierce now coaching on Skillest. Jeff is an incredibly talented PGA Tour coach who has made a name for himself as a short game specialist. To launch his profile on Skillest we sat down with him for the most comprehensive breakdown of Brooks…

Posted byBy Baden Schaff

How To Record Your Golf Swing

If you want to record your golf swing to get an online golf lesson on Skillest, make sure you record from the correct camera angles. You can either ask somebody to record your swing for you or you can buy a camera / phone stand so you can record your own golf swing. Choosing The…

Posted byBy Brian Park

When Should I Take Golf Lessons?

One of the most common questions golfers who want to improve ask is: When should I take golf lessons? The answer is you should take golf lessons when you’ve decided you want to improve at golf. If you are a begnner, lessons will help you learn the fundamentals before you develop bad habits. If you…

Posted byBy Brian Park