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18 Putts in 18 holes! Cam Smith gets better and better!

Posted byBy Baden Schaff

2 Weeks ago we saw something pretty amazing. In the second round of the WGC Fed Ex at St Jude, Cameron Smith took only 18 putts to get around the challenging course in Memphis. He was only the 9th player in the history of the PGA to achieve this incredible stat.

Smith has always been a good putter but he just seems to get better and better. When we asked his coach, Grant Field, what Smith had been changing or improving upon Field answered, “absolutely nothing!”. What he then explained is that Cameron is just doing more and more of what already works. “You can go looking for the next big change or new training aid that may revolutionise your game but it rarely works” Field said. “We are all about consistency and process”. Cam works on all of the same drills he has worked on for years. It’s about posture and using a mirror for alignment to ensure that every single stroke he makes is exactly the same.

We were lucky enough to sit down with Grant and do a deep dive on Cam’s putting stroke. This is such a great video for golfers of all standards. Often we think that changing our putter or perhaps the way we grip it is going to change everything and turn us into the boss on the moss. But this vid will show you that its about getting your fundamentals right and following your process.

You can send your stroke to Grant by heading straight to his Skillest profile. We guarantee that you will love the online golf lesson experience.

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