Wes Altice
Wes Altice

Wes Altice




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About the coach

Wes devotes himself to understanding the function of the body and how it relates to the golf swing. The education he has received from multiple organizations puts him in an elite group of instructors that are at the cutting edge of teaching the game. Wes is a true believer that golf is a sport and should be practiced and played with an athletic mindset. Instructing both novice and touring professional golfers on the fundamentals of producing consistently lower scores is Wes’ definitive goal. He provides clarity and understanding and equips them with the correct drills and practice methods to successfully improve their golf game


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Purchase Options

Single Lesson

1 Lesson
  • Detailed video analysis of your golf swing using Skillest's analytical tool
  • Drills that target your specific problem.


One time payment

Unlimited Monthly Plan

Unlimited Lessons
  • Detailed video analysis of your golf swing using Skillest's analytical tool
  • Customised video of myself demonstrating exactly what you need to work on and how your swing/body will work
  • Customised drills that will help you integrate any changes required

$258.75 /mo

Recurring billing, cancel anytime

Unlimited Yearly Plan

Unlimited Lessons
  • Detailed video analysis of your golf swing using Skillest's analytical tool
  • Customised video of myself demonstrating exactly what you need to work on and how your swing/body will work
  • Customised drills that will help you integrate any changes required

$2,587.50 /yr

Recurring billing, cancel anytime

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