Tom Gillis
Tom Gillis

Tom Gillis




Starting Price

Starting Price








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Social Media


About the coach

Tom Gillis is a veteran PGA Golf Professional with over 35 years' experience Teaching and playing the game at a high level. He is on YouTube , Tik Tok and more! 2 time Emmy Award winner and one hell of a golf coach.

He helps your physical game but also mental game, nutrition handing pressure, how to prep for tournaments and much,much more!

Follow along on his social media platforms for more.

Tom and his wife of 25 years have 3 kids a dog and a cat.




Quick tip from Tom Gillis to hit longer tee shots!

Quick tip from Tom Gillis to hit longer tee shots!

TG's first time using Skillest app tool!

TG's first time using Skillest app tool!

Old School Tom Gillis chipping lesson!

Old School Tom Gillis chipping lesson!

Tom Gillis using Bobby Jones Mashie!

Tom Gillis using Bobby Jones Mashie!

Tom Gillis Stripe show!

Tom Gillis Stripe show!


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Purchase Options

1st Lesson Special with Tom Gillis

1 Lesson
  • 1st Swing Analysis and meet and greet to see if we are a good fit for future lessons. After this we make a plan that suits you and your needs. Thanks!
  • Customized video of myself demonstrating a drill or method to help you get started on our journey to better golf!


One time payment

Ryder Cup Package

Unlimited Lessons
  • Detailed video analysis of your golf swing using Skillest's analytical tool. Live lessons (when applicable) from Tom when he is on range or his home set up. Its is not unlimited lessons per se.
  • Customized video of myself demonstrating exactly what you need to work on and how your swing/body will work
  • Customized drills that will help you integrate any changes required
  • Phone call and texts to help prepare for tournaments and more. On call coach as needed.
  • Advice on equipment and free swag (if available) . You will be mentored by a top PGA coach/instructor and player.
  • Having access to a top coach via phone is invaluable to help you learn this game faster and easier. Speaking directly eliminates any confusion . Videos are great too. Thanks and let’s get this going! TG
  • One EyePutt Mirror ($25 value) Tom invented a putting mirror that comes with the package.

$120.00 /mo

Recurring billing, cancel anytime

The Open 2 (two)Lesson Package

2 Lessons
  • Customized video of myself demonstrating exactly what you need to work on and how your swing/body will work
  • Customized drills that will help you integrate any changes required
  • Video of our lesson with the Skillest tools and lines to help you understand it better. Voice over as well.
  • 2 online golf lessons with Tom Gillis. Check out the other packages to save you money. Thank You!


One time payment

US Open 6 (six) Lesson Package

6 Lessons
  • Detailed video analysis of your golf swing using Skillest's analytical tool
  • Customized video of myself demonstrating exactly what you need to work on and how your swing/body will work
  • Customized drills that will help you integrate any changes required
  • 6 online golf Lesson Package , saves you money paying up front. Thanks!
  • Phone/text availability at Toms discretion.


One time payment

Frequently asked questions