Yiannis Tsioukanis
Yiannis Tsioukanis

Yiannis Tsioukanis




Starting Price

Starting Price








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About the coach

+ Australian born, British PGA Professional with 25 years' coaching experience . + Skilled in coaching students of all levels with a holistic approach + Advocate for Skillest and online coaching to benefit students + International experience in Europe, Australia and Asia, enabling a deep understanding of diverse client needs + Prioritise building long-lasting relationships with students, helping them by finding tailored solutions + Skillest coaching has the added benefit of acting as a support system for students by being available every day + Developed my own coaching style centred around individual learning by ensuring each student understands how the golf swing should work + Skillest allows students to have their “Own Golf Pro” and trusted advisor, regardless of location + Committed to using 25 years experience to elevate your game to your full potential




Debunking Myths: Should You Keep Your Head Still in Golf?

Debunking Myths: Should You Keep Your Head Still in Golf?

Setup Series: Mastering Golf Posture

Setup Series: Mastering Golf Posture


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Purchase Options

One Online Lesson

1 Lesson
  • Detailed video analysis of your golf swing using Skillest's analytical tool
  • Customized video of myself demonstrating exactly what you need to work on and how your swing/body will work
  • Customized drills that will help you integrate any changes required


One time payment

5 Lesson Package

1 Lesson
  • Detailed video analysis of your golf swing using Skillest's analytical tool
  • Customized video of myself demonstrating exactly what you need to work on and how your swing/body will work
  • Customized drills that will help you integrate any changes required
  • Live Zoom chat after first and last lesson of package to discuss pathway & progress


One time payment

Unlimited Monthly Plan

Unlimited Lessons
  • Live Zoom lesson
  • Unlimited lessons & coaching support
  • 1 live Zoom lesson every 2nd month to maintain your game or watch you practice live - AirPods, Bluetooth and good wifi needed (40minutes)
  • Detailed video analysis of your golf swing or other technique using Skillest’s analytical tool, with voiceover notes
  • Send swings or chats at anytime you need. I am here to help you when you need it
  • Customised video of Yiannis demonstrating exactly what you need to work on and how to practice it
  • Option of FACE TO FACE lesson as required (THB1500). This plan is perfect for people who live close enough but also want the benefits of a full time online plan.

$200.00 /mo

Recurring billing, cancel anytime

Family & Friends Monthly Plan

Unlimited Lessons
  • Live Zoom lesson
  • Detailed video analysis of your golf swing using Skillest's analytical tool
  • Customized video of myself demonstrating exactly what you need to work on and how your swing/body will work
  • Customized drills that will help you integrate any changes required
  • Join with a friend or family member and learn together. A chance to get PGA Professional help for 2 people. Can be same or different level of your game. Nothing like learning together.
  • For maximum 2 people of your choice

$380.00 /mo

Recurring billing, cancel anytime

Frequently asked questions