Dennise Hutton
Dennise Hutton

Dennise Hutton




Starting Price

Starting Price








Social Media

Social Media


About the coach

First women in Australia to be awarded 2012 PGA Teaching Professional of the Year NSW/ACT. Tournament Player best ranking 5 th on Ladies European Tour.
Coached the NSW Women’s and Junior Girls State teams
Coached the Australian Women’s Team for World Cup and Queen Sirikit Cup
Certified Aimpoint ,My Swing,BioSwing Dynamics Coach
Qualified School teacher with a Bachelor of Arts Degree majoring in Psychology and Education .Diploma of Education
Loves to teach and coach all golfers no matter gender ,age and skill
Head Teaching Professional at Bonnie Doon Golf Club and Barton Park Golf facilities in Sydney, Australia
Golf is to be enjoyed and it’s fun and not as difficult as you may think when coached by an expert
Let’s have fun playing this great game



Sample Lesson

01.Original Videos




02.Analysis Videos





03.Other Videos







Number 1 Drill to eliminate chicken wing

Number 1 Drill to eliminate chicken wing

Only for Side under and golfers who pivot forward of centre

Only for Side under and golfers who pivot forward of centre

How to Practice With a Purpose

How to Practice With a Purpose

Course Management

Course Management

Course Management

Course Management

Drill to reduce your chicken wing

Drill to reduce your chicken wing

Live lesson Trigger the downswing with lower half

Live lesson Trigger the downswing with lower half

3 steps to play a low punch shot

3 steps to play a low punch shot

Downswing trigger for rear post golfer

Downswing trigger for rear post golfer

Role of right hand or trailing hand for SIDE UNDER  Golfers

Role of right hand or trailing hand for SIDE UNDER Golfers

Correct position for bottom hand for a side under golfer

Correct position for bottom hand for a side under golfer

What is an open stance when pitching

What is an open stance when pitching

More Power ,Consistency  when using force pedals

More Power ,Consistency when using force pedals

AimPoint Green Reading  Clinic Aug  20 th  2023

AimPoint Green Reading Clinic Aug 20 th 2023

Using Technology to Improve your swing and gain a feel

Using Technology to Improve your swing and gain a feel

How  To Get More Loft On Pitch Shot

How To Get More Loft On Pitch Shot

A Champions Warm Up

A Champions Warm Up

Drill to help Release of  the Club

Drill to help Release of the Club

Quick  grip putting tip while on holidays in Qld

Quick grip putting tip while on holidays in Qld

Wishing you a very happy Christmas and an amazing 2023
Gift vouchers are available and subscriptions for the gift that last golf

Wishing you a very happy Christmas and an amazing 2023 Gift vouchers are available and subscriptions for the gift that last golf

Warming up at Australian Open

Warming up at Australian Open

For the side under golfer
Correct extension

For the side under golfer Correct extension

Small group training sessions with Dennise at Bonnie Doon in September and October

Small group training sessions with Dennise at Bonnie Doon in September and October

Drill to help you with correct shaft position at the end of swing

Drill to help you with correct shaft position at the end of swing

Bioswing Mechanics 
Role of the right hand and right elbow( for right handed golfers)
Side cover and cover golfers

Bioswing Mechanics Role of the right hand and right elbow( for right handed golfers) Side cover and cover golfers

Part 2 On Course
Preshot Routine in Action

Part 2 On Course Preshot Routine in Action

Pre Shot Routine on Course
Part One

Pre Shot Routine on Course Part One

One swing does not fit all golfers
Three things I need to know before I make any golf analysis

One swing does not fit all golfers Three things I need to know before I make any golf analysis

Make Practice Like A Game

Make Practice Like A Game

Gain more Rotation more power
Centre Post Golfers

Gain more Rotation more power Centre Post Golfers

High Lofted Soft Pitch
Using the bounce of the club

High Lofted Soft Pitch Using the bounce of the club

On Course Strategy 
Playing of a tight lie  ie little grass

On Course Strategy Playing of a tight lie ie little grass

101 How to use Force Pedals

101 How to use Force Pedals

Wanting to say hello to my golfing family

Wanting to say hello to my golfing family

How wet is it..?.

How wet is it..?.

The machine is amazing helps you feel your swing

The machine is amazing helps you feel your swing

How to practice with a purpose 
Bulk Mass Practice
This is only one stage of practice

How to practice with a purpose Bulk Mass Practice This is only one stage of practice

How to get my new online course 
My BEST 20Drills To improve your Golf

How to get my new online course My BEST 20Drills To improve your Golf

On Course Coaching at Bonnie Doon

On Course Coaching at Bonnie Doon

How to do a short practice session
Dennise in action

How to do a short practice session Dennise in action

Thinking of you
5 Km from home 
Keep doing your drills 
Swing each day 
Keep smiling

Thinking of you 5 Km from home Keep doing your drills Swing each day Keep smiling

14 th Hole Nsw

14 th Hole Nsw

Where to Aim on the 14 th Home at Nsw

Where to Aim on the 14 th Home at Nsw

Stay safe during lock down
Thinking of you all 
I am still doing limited coaching
If you cannot get to me try and online lesson

Stay safe during lock down Thinking of you all I am still doing limited coaching If you cannot get to me try and online lesson

Biomechanics : For  the golfer who pivots in their front hip (left for right handers)

Biomechanics : For the golfer who pivots in their front hip (left for right handers)

Jason Days Coach giving a lesson

Jason Days Coach giving a lesson

How to a practice the short game

How to a practice the short game

Hope you are all ok

Hope you are all ok

Got to love golf wish I could do this more
My goal do it when you can and be grateful

Got to love golf wish I could do this more My goal do it when you can and be grateful

Great question from a student : Is there a a larger difference distance  wise between my longest pitch and my full swing with a 9 iron or wedge ?

Great question from a student : Is there a a larger difference distance wise between my longest pitch and my full swing with a 9 iron or wedge ?

AimPoint Clinics at Bonnie Doon with Dennise Hutton

AimPoint Clinics at Bonnie Doon with Dennise Hutton

Lesson with Jason Days Coach

Lesson with Jason Days Coach

Online Golf Lessons through Skillest App

Online Golf Lessons through Skillest App

How to trigger the downswing and use the ground for more power

How to trigger the downswing and use the ground for more power

 Know your  Natural Release Pattern

Know your Natural Release Pattern

Two hour supervised swing coaching with Dennise

Two hour supervised swing coaching with Dennise

The 4 screenings you need for an online lesson  which will give you results

The 4 screenings you need for an online lesson which will give you results

Drill to help rotation through impact
Stop the lateral sway through impact

Drill to help rotation through impact Stop the lateral sway through impact

Release Patterns  How does your club exit into the follow through

Release Patterns How does your club exit into the follow through

Impact drill for certain BioSwing Dynamics

Impact drill for certain BioSwing Dynamics

BioSwing Dynamics  Side On  golfer

BioSwing Dynamics Side On golfer

Creating Lag in the golf swing

Creating Lag in the golf swing

 BioSwing Dynamics 
Impact Position and Drill

BioSwing Dynamics Impact Position and Drill

3 Steps to a better top hand grip

3 Steps to a better top hand grip

Swing Path

Swing Path

Using an impact gag

Using an impact gag

Releasing club head and body through impact

Releasing club head and body through impact

Know your correct right hand position

Know your correct right hand position

Reading the break on long putts
Discover how use the proven method read green

Reading the break on long putts Discover how use the proven method read green

Hope you are all well and getting in some golf
Thinking of you

Hope you are all well and getting in some golf Thinking of you

Playing from uphill lie

Playing from uphill lie

Ball Position

Ball Position

Ball Position Made Easy

Ball Position Made Easy

Slow Motion Drill

Slow Motion Drill

Grip is the number one enemy

Grip is the number one enemy

How to practice correctly

How to practice correctly

How to practice correctly

How to practice correctly

How to practice correctly

How to practice correctly

Gain more Club Head Speed

Gain more Club Head Speed

Flatten Swing Plane for Downswing

Flatten Swing Plane for Downswing

Second Lesson

Second Lesson

Live Chipping Lesson with Girls on Green

Live Chipping Lesson with Girls on Green

Drill:Flatten the downswing plane

Drill:Flatten the downswing plane

Drill to improve backswing and Downswing

Drill to improve backswing and Downswing

How to practise  with a Purpose

How to practise with a Purpose

What is Chipping and What is Pitching?

What is Chipping and What is Pitching?

Right Hand through impact

Right Hand through impact

Role of the right hand ithrough impact and into follow through

Role of the right hand ithrough impact and into follow through

Role of the right hand ithrough impact and into follow through

Role of the right hand ithrough impact and into follow through

Progressing to full sing

Progressing to full sing

GOG in Action: Drill to Give Correct Finish

GOG in Action: Drill to Give Correct Finish

Get into Golf Program

Get into Golf Program

Question from student

Question from student

How to use ground force and release the club head

How to use ground force and release the club head

GOG Week Three Get Into Golf Program

GOG Week Three Get Into Golf Program

Welcome Girls On Green

Welcome Girls On Green

Three concepts to make golf easier

Three concepts to make golf easier

Feeling Solid Impact

Feeling Solid Impact

Feeling Solid Impact

Feeling Solid Impact

Grip Pressure

Grip Pressure

Noosa Golf School

Noosa Golf School

Simple Exercise to feel grip pressure

Simple Exercise to feel grip pressure

Noosa Golf School 2019

Noosa Golf School 2019

Noosa Golf School 2019

Noosa Golf School 2019

Look around the hole to discover where the ball is entering the hole

Look around the hole to discover where the ball is entering the hole

Reading The wear  around the hole

Reading The wear around the hole

Day 2 Dennise Hutton Golf School at Noosa Springs

Day 2 Dennise Hutton Golf School at Noosa Springs

Day 1 Golf School at Noosa Springs

Day 1 Golf School at Noosa Springs

Simple keys to look for when buying a putter

Simple keys to look for when buying a putter

Why 3 D Motion Capture can help you improve faster

Why 3 D Motion Capture can help you improve faster

AimPoint Express Students View

AimPoint Express Students View

AimPoint Express Green Reading with Dennise

AimPoint Express Green Reading with Dennise

Aim point Express Green Reading

Aim point Express Green Reading

When in trouble take your medicine

When in trouble take your medicine

Extension at end of backswing

Extension at end of backswing

Dennise with Fairway Wood

Dennise with Fairway Wood

Professional Golfer Marco gives his views of his first 3d session

Professional Golfer Marco gives his views of his first 3d session

3D Motion Capture

3D Motion Capture

Use technology to get better faster

Use technology to get better faster

Drill to help get more power and solid contact

Drill to help get more power and solid contact

Step 1 Forward Press

Step 1 Forward Press

Where to place camera when video so that you get a consistent swing analysis

Where to place camera when video so that you get a consistent swing analysis

Where to place the camera when wanting to get a swing analysis

Where to place the camera when wanting to get a swing analysis

Minjee lee on her way to her 5 Th LPGA win

Minjee lee on her way to her 5 Th LPGA win

Minjee  on her way to winning on LPGA

Minjee on her way to winning on LPGA

Bunker Clinic at Bonnie Doon

Bunker Clinic at Bonnie Doon

Greenside Bunker

Greenside Bunker

Training session at Bonnie Doon

Training session at Bonnie Doon

Improve Contact

Improve Contact

If you cannot measure it it’s hard to improve 3D Motion Capture Coaching will help you

If you cannot measure it it’s hard to improve 3D Motion Capture Coaching will help you

Playing a pitch shot back into the breeze at NSW Golf Club 11 Th Hole

Playing a pitch shot back into the breeze at NSW Golf Club 11 Th Hole

Our results on the 19 Th Hole at NSWGolf club

Our results on the 19 Th Hole at NSWGolf club

Playing Tips Extra hole at Nsw 
Par 3 100 m

Playing Tips Extra hole at Nsw Par 3 100 m

Baseball drill to stop you from swinging to steeply

Baseball drill to stop you from swinging to steeply

Drill to stop coming over the top on downswing

Drill to stop coming over the top on downswing

Steps to develop a forward press

Steps to develop a forward press

Drill to improve extension through impact

Drill to improve extension through impact

Get into golf 2

Get into golf 2

Get into golf

Get into golf

Putting Drill to stop pulling putts

Putting Drill to stop pulling putts

Posture Drill

Posture Drill

Young female student

Young female student

Student swing

Student swing

Lesson for front post golfer on top golfer

Lesson for front post golfer on top golfer

3D MySwing golf  lessons and feedback

3D MySwing golf lessons and feedback

Side on Golfer Drill to improve takeaway

Side on Golfer Drill to improve takeaway

Students comments on improvement

Students comments on improvement

Private lesson correction

Private lesson correction

Take away push drill 3 parts

Take away push drill 3 parts

ATO b bag drill

ATO b bag drill


4.95 / 5

Based on 454 ratings

Overall rating


Dennise is a fantastic golf coach. Explains everything simply and Dennisse is very dedicated. The follow up information after the lesson is so helpful and important. I am looking forward to working with Dennise to improve my golf.

Lesley Chua

Lesley Chua

February 7, 2025Live

Dennise is always excellent.

Rob  Mc Hugh

Rob Mc Hugh

December 8, 2024Live

Complete understanding of my golf swing and what Im trying to achieve. Excellent verbal communication

John Gonczi

John Gonczi

December 3, 2024Live

Denise gave excellent instruction in an engaging manner and was able to make the advice specific for each student. The two day course was very helpful for me and my golf.

Susie Fuller

Susie Fuller

November 26, 2024Live

Dennise is knowledgeable, professional and a great teacher.

Rob  Mc Hugh

Rob Mc Hugh

November 23, 2024Live

See more

Purchase Options

Single Lesson

1 Lesson
  • Detailed video analysis of your golf swing using Skillest's analytical tool
  • Customised video of myself demostrating exactly what you need to work on and how your swing/body will work
  • Customised drills that will help you integrate any changes required


One time payment

2 Lesson Package

2 Lessons
  • Detailed video analysis of your golf swing using Skillest's analytical tool
  • Please send following information 1 wingspan and height in golf shoes 2 Injuries ever eg broken bones etc 3 What is the ball doing Eg slicing ,not in the air 4 Main area of concern
  • Please see video on how to do the screenings I require so I can individualise your lesson I do not want to just teach you a method I want what is Biomechanical correct for you
  • The one of payment will include 2 sessions The video of you doing screening and two your swing. I will send you a video on how to do the screenings The little extra time will save you time and frustration as you will improve quicker
  • Follow me on Skillest and chat to me on Skillest messages


One time payment

Unlimited Monthly Plan

Unlimited Lessons
1 Video
  • Detailed video analysis of your golf swing using Skillest's analytical tool
  • Customized video of myself demonstrating exactly what you need to work on and how your swing/body will work
  • Customized drills that will help you integrate any changes required
  • Bioswing Mechanics Screening
  • One Zoom call per month to discuss progress etc

A$345.00 /mo

Recurring billing, cancel anytime

Unlimited Yearly Plan

Unlimited Lessons
1 Video
  • Detailed video analysis of your golf swing using Skillest's analytical tool
  • Customized video of myself demonstrating exactly what you need to work on and how your swing/body will work
  • Customized drills that will help you integrate any changes required

A$1,146.55 /yr

Recurring billing, cancel anytime


The best 20 drills to improve your game

This course has 20 of my most successful drills to improve your game and golf swing. I have refined these drills over my 30+ years of coaching and tour experiences, in order to support you with achieving and maintaining great results. BONUS 2 virtual lessons with Dennise Hutton, Golf Pro **valued at over $60 4 bonus drills to improve your game Wishing you happy golfing, great improvement and lots of fun on your golfing journey Dennise
 The best 20 drills to improve your game

Frequently asked questions