Improving Your Skillest Coach Profile
Your Skillest coach profile is your opportunity to sell yourself and tell your story.
Key fields to start with are
- Profile Picture
- Club
- Description
These are what shows up in the search results and you want to try to stand out as best you can. Always good to assume the person searching for you has never heard of you or know your background.

Here are some good examples for inspiration:
Dom has provided some great detail & background, note he’s not using his local club as local teaching is not his focus.

Nathan has broken up the text to make strong points, also worth checking his profile video as well.

Giles has done a great job with a clear statement up front and then a lot of detail on student expectations, delivery and also background experience.

Player Provile video
This should be an overview of expectations, a sample of what students can expect or you may want to show off great results you’ve had with a student.
Chris has done a great job on his video for students that are also new to Skillest and online golf lessons. We’ve all got a bit of a job to not only sell ourselves but also a new way of coaching.

The video uploads section is a great opportunity to show the breadth in what you can do, sample lessons, results, tips, drills and how you work.